Waterproof Motorcycle Sling Bag
Are you worried about where to put your phone, sunglasses, and other items while riding? Look no further than our motorcycle sling bag, which provides ample storage space for all your essentials in a convenient and easy-to-carry design.
Waterproof: Made of waterproof PVP material, this bag effectively prevents water from entering and can be used even in rainy weather.
Multipurpose: The strap length can be adjusted to suit your needs, allowing you to use it as a shoulder bag, sling bag, or waist bag.
Zipper Design: With a zipper closure, this bag provides a secure place to store your valuable items such as mobile phones, wallets, cash, keys, and more.
Shipping & Return
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30-day worry-free returns and exchanges
- 【防水性能が高い秘密】高い防水力の秘密は、丈夫で軽量、耐水性に優れた(PVC)素材と防水ジッパーをコンビで使うことによって高い防水性能を備え、雨の日でも安心して外出できます。
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